Delivered a research paper, “Transferable skills in TVET in Brunei Darussalam“ at the Regional meeting and workshop organised by SEAMEO VOCTECH in collaboration with British Council, British High Commissioner, and UNESCO Bangkok, Bangkok on 13-14 March 2014.
Delivered a paper, “Translating Standards into Education and Training Programmes” at Regional TVET Conference 2014, Ensuring TVET Quality, Preparing for ASEAN Economic Community 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia on 1-2 April 2014.
Delivered a paper, “Strategies for Youth Skills Development for Better Jobs in a Changing and Increasingly Digital World : SEAMEO VOCTECH’s Perspective” at Skills for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila on 10-12 December 2013.
Delivered a paper (video teleconference), “TVET Initiatives, Trends, and Issues: Perspectives from Southeast Asian Region” at Regional Forum on TVET in SADC—Monitoring Progress and Revitalizing Actions, Stellenbosch, South Africa on 28 November 2013.
Co-delivered a paper, “Regional Approaches and Initiatives on Education and Training for TVET Teachers and Instructors”, at the International Experts Meeting on “Professionalisation and Modernisation in initial and in-service training of TVET personnel in ASEAN”, Bangkok, Thailand on 6-8 November 2013.
Delivered a paper, ”Anticipating ASEAN Economic Community 2015: SEAMEO VOCTECH’s initiatives on human resources development and recognition of professional qualifications” at Regional Conference on Vocational Teacher Education, Shanghai, China on 24-25 Oct 2013.
Delivered a paper, “Mixed Methods Research in Education and Training: Southeast Asian Experience” at the International Mixed Methods Symposium, Tokyo, Japan on 20 Oct 2013.
Delivered a paper, “Preparing for Primary Care Physicians in Southeast Asia” at Shizuoka Residency Medical Centre, Shizuoka, Japan on 17 Oct 2013.
Delivered a paper, “Mixed Methods Research in TVET in Southeast Asia: Gaining Popularity but Lacking Variety”, at the International Conference on “The Excellence in Teacher Education and Research Innovation” organized by Rajabhat University at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand on 25 – 28 Dec 2012.
Delivered a keynote paper, “Mapping National and Regional TVET Initiatives in Southeast Asia and Beyond in Response to Students and Labour Mobility”, at 2nd Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia(UPI) International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training “Collaboration in TVET”, Bandung, Indonesia on 4 – 5 Dec 2012.
Panelist for a roundtable discussion, “Ideas for Establising Projects in the Field of Hospitality and Tourism between Asia and Europe”, at ASEM Workshop on Technical and Vocational Education and Training “TVET for the Hospitality and Tourism Sector“, Vienna, Austria on 20 – 21 Nov 2012.
Delivered a paper, “Enhancing Partnerships between TVET Institutions with Industry: Learning from the Best Practices in the Region and Beyond”, at Teachers’ Day Conference 2012, Crafting Innovative Instruction: A 21st Century Perspective, International Convention Centre, Brunei Darussalam on 10-11 Oct 2012.
Invited speaker, “Higher Level Technical Education and Skills Development in the 21st Century”, at National Technical Education and Skills Development (TESD) Congress, Manila, Philippines on 29 August 2012.
Delivered a keynote remarks, “Enhancement of Practical Vocational Competences in Vocational Teacher Education”, at Annual Conference of Regional Co-operation Platform for Vocational Teacher Training and Education in Asia (RCP), Bangkok, Thailand on 8-11 August 2012.
Invited speaker, “Promoting TVET as a key tool for skills development and youth employability: Sharing experiences from Southeast Asian Countries for the Arab States” at Regional Expert Meeting for the Arab States, Muscat, Oman on 17-19 Mar 2012
Panelist for roundtable discussion, “Will NQFs bring Asia and Europe closer together, increase education and/or work mobility, and support conversion of systems?” at Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) on TVET, Putting Frameworks into Practice: Demand, Development and Decision, Berlin, Germany on 27-28 Feb 2012