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Paryono. (June  2014). Transferable skills in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Brunei Darussalam. TVET@sia,3. The Online Journal for Technical and Vocational Education in Asia.


Paryono. (Dec. 2013). Anticipating ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Regional initiatives on human resources development and recognition of professional qualifications. TVET@sia,2. The Online Journal for Technical and Vocational Education in Asia.


Paryono. (May 2013). Mapping National and Regional TVET Initiatives in Southeast Asia and Beyond in Response to Students and Labor Mobility. TVET@sia, 1. The Online Journal for Technical and Vocational Education in Asia.

Paryono. (2006, December).  Perceived image of vocational and technical education and its improvement initiatives. SEAMEO VOCTECH Journal, 30-37


Paryono. (2005, December). A cross-national analysis of when and how   vocational education is offered. SEAMEO VOCTECH Journal, 32-50.


Farmer, E.I, Walter, R.A., & Paryono, P. (2004). A model for establishing workforce education and development programs in developing countries. International Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 12 (2), 106-120.


Gray, K.C. & Paryono, P. (2004). A conceptual model of workforce education and development systems. In J. W. Rojewski (Ed.), Workforce Development and Education: New views for new century. Greenwich, Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.


Paryono., P. (2004, June). Apprenticeship in Germany, Indonesia, and the U.S.: Cross-national analysis of programs, trends and issues. SEAMEO VOCTECH Journal, 16-32.

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